If any grave wrongs have happened to you by an airline (most popular of course) or other service, I encourage you to write about it. It just seems wrong to let some of these things go.
1st good Example. Three years ago, I took a delayed international Delta flight with layover in... Atlanta? I had to go through customs and recheck my bag. I asked the lady checking in my luggage which gate my next flight to Baltimore was. I had no time to check! I was full-out running. Not easy when you're groggy from sleeping on the plane. Turns out, it was the wrong gate. I checked the monitors and finally got to the right gate. Plane hadn't left yet. They gave my ticket away. Huh. Don't they know that my flight was delayed and we were rushing to the connecting flight? I wasn't the only sad victim. They can't give away my ticket like that when I've already landed in Atlanta. Anyway, I got on the next flight out, but apparently, my luggage didn't make it. It didn't even make it out to my hotel the next morning. I was in Baltimore for a wedding. I rushed out the morning of and bought a dress and shoes.
I had been wronged! I wrote a letter of complaint. They gave me money for my dress expenses and a voucher. :)
2nd good Example. I'm going to a Film Festival this year. You're given random registration times to buy the tix that you want. We had a couple time slots on the first day. Turns out, nasty people are buying movie tix only to turn around and resell them for hundreds of dollars (eBay). They never even plan to go to the festival in the first place. Festival rules explicitly state that the tix cannot be resold for profit. eBay won't take the items off their site. Nasty. We didn't get any of the movies that we wanted to see, and we had a lot of options just in case our first choices were sold out. A friend emailed a complaint about all these nasty people selling on eBay. The festival people were sympathetic and got tix for us. :)
3rd ? Example. My US Airways/America West flight got changed. My outbound flight changed by a matter of minutes. Fine. My 2nd leg return flight got cancelled, so they put me on the next flight, which created an excruciating 4 hour layover. Nasty airline. I called back requesting a co-chaired United flight. Their policy wouldn't allow it. Why? My America West flight is a co-chair. I could have booked the United co-chair flight from the very beginning through US Airways! Makes no sense. They cancelled my flight, they should give just compensation. I wasn't being ridiculous. I wrote a letter of complaint. I have yet to hear from them, but I feel better for having given them a piece of my mind! I was wronged! All I want is some monetary compensation or an adjustment in flight schedule. Pennies to them. Pennies.