I rarely go out to eat for lunch, but I just got back from California yesterday so I didn't have much in the refrigerator. I treated myself to two slices of organic pizza. It was a nice day, so I headed over to the Diag to sit on the lawn and have a lovely little picnic. Of course, I didn't want grass stains and was wearing a skirt, so I put down my notepad and sat on that. Mmm... one slice gone. I picked up my second slice and started to eat it when the sprinklers (facing away from me) started to go off. Uh oh! I got up, picked up my notepad and then felt water on my head and back. Think quick! I covered up my pizza with my notepad -- now my notes were wet and had pizza sauce on them. Great. Way to rain on my parade.
I went to sit on a concrete bench in a concrete plaza. But! When I sat down this odd little squirrel came out from underneath the bench. It ran funny. Like it had stiff hind legs. I think it may have had a tumor hanging from its abdomen. I watched it hobble away from me, and then watched a guy stop in his tracks to watch it for a couple minutes, and then take out his phone to take a picture of it.
Eventful lunch for Mayz!