Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Most stylish wedding ever by blog-goddess.

First crawfish (aka crayfish, crawdads) experience! Yum! And it's not even crawfish season.

Texans are proud of their kolaches. Not bad. A doughy/bready outside with breafast goodies inside. I liked the hot Texas Polish sausage kolache. Don't know what makes it "Texas." Probably bigger than the regular sized hot Polish sausage.

Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Muse concert at Nassau Coliseum. This is why Manhattaners stay on Manhattan. After finding out that the Long Island RR (LIRR) was out of commission that weekend and it would take a series of subway, bus, train, and cab to get to the concert, we decided to rent a car. And then it took ~2 hours to go the 27 miles. However, we arrived right on time, just before the opening act! Fun concert and best light show ever!

Halloween. Great holiday to roam around the streets of NYC. Just about everything is amusing.

I'm Mike Tyson and P is Don King in case you couldn't tell. :)