Wednesday, March 23, 2011

1 month to go!

1 month to the day, we will say I do!

We had minor freak-outs this morning as we realized we hit the month mark.

  • Hope the wedding party looks good. Still working on the finishing touches - sweater/wrap to keep my bm's warm, ties for the gm.
  • Although in person the centerpiece concept looked great, the pictures that our florists took of the finished pieces were really mediocre. Trying to keep the faith.
  • Officiant - yet to find one. eeps!
  • What do I do for hair/makeup? It's so expensive that I wonder if I'd rather not do professional, but I want to look good and if I do professional, who do I choose? No great source of reviews online, and it's really a matter of taste. And I hate being lumped into the "bridal" category because prices jump sky high.

Wednesday, March 02, 2011

sad snoopings

Around 8pm last night, I found this odd scene on the sidewalk near my building. Please excuse, I took this with my BB. Broken chair, a "very loved" Snoopy, hanging out in front of a dumpster.

12 hours later, I saw this down the other end of the block.


Poor Snoopy took the Charlie Sheen drug.


After I already posted the findings of this morning, I saw this as I was walking home. So the story continues. I like this much better. I want Snoopy to find a good home. But that home isn't me because you don't know what kind of germs Mr. Snoopy is carrying!

Poor guy. His head is too heavy for him. I think he's been played with and loved so much it's about time he turned into a real dog. :)


Friday update: Snoopy takes the wheel.