Last night on 360, Anderson Cooper reported on the puppy smuggling business across the Mexican border. They stuffed puppies in a suitcase! :( People are selling these little things when they're only 4-6 weeks old, when California law requires puppies to be at least 8 weeks old before they are sold. My JD and to-be-JD friends, did you know this? When they were showing clips of these little puppies, I, in my head was saying "aaawwww", but with each new clip, Anderson was also saying "aaww" in the background. Oh Anderson, you're so cute and dreamy yourself...!

oh anderson cooper. oh, YOU! *bashful* ahahah.
how weird to smuggle puppies. i mean, there are plenty of ppl selling puppies under 8 weeks anyways. what's the point of smuggling? which is worse, to smuggle illegally or to sell illegally? and are there buyers for this market? i would think most ppl WANT an 8 week old puppy since they're emotionally and physically in better shape. And ALSO, you'd have to sell them super fast, otherwise, what's the point?
ps. I miss "The Mole."
oooh... what an addictive show. You know, it was pretty good as far as reality shows go, and it is the only (as far as I know) show that got tanked mid-season. Pah! How could they do that to Anderson?
As for the puppies, the smugglers are selling them super-cheap. They just want to sell them to make money sooner than later I guess, and I lot of them are sick. One woman got a puppy for her kids, and it died 2 weeks later. A lot of people want those tiny dogs now too because they're trendy, thanks to Paris Hilton whose Tinkerbell seems to have vanished into thin air...
Lucky for you, Anderson Cooper is just past the age of 8-weeks! ;)
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