Oh how I lovingly remember you from my childhood and how I've reveled in your rediscovery. Your delicious vanilla ice cream embraced comfortingly between two spicy oatmeal cookies (mmm... oatmeal cookies) all enveloped in a chocolate coating makes me want to have you every night.
But why why, It's-It, do you evade me so?
I've looked for you all over Vail, Ann Arbor... I'd take you home from the grocery store in the Bay Area and then fly you over to Ann Arbor with me if I could, but you wouldn't survive. So delicate, poor little It's-It inside your plastic wrapping. You wouldn't be happy anywhere else besides the freezer.
I wish I could enjoy your company wherever I am...
Missing you,
P.S. Since I'm too lazy, and you can get the same update from my lovely sister, read her Sundance blog.
my pet peeve about it's it is that you can only buy the vanilla flavor at the store. why don't they sell their other yummy flavors at the store! why do you evade me so!?
why oh WHY can't such a wonderful product be shared with the rest of the country?
I remember they used to have the mint and coffee flavors at that convenience store that used to exist next to Sufficient Grounds in Berkeley. I think it got replaced by a copy central or something though. Boo. Maybe small convenience stores have the random flavors and Safeway is exclusive to vanilla.
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