... and where a lot of snow play takes place. Or at least that's how we festival.
We saw the movies Kicking It (documentary about the Homeless World Cup) and Incendiary (Michelle Williams and Ewan McGregor). I LOVED Kicking It, and you'll get to see it because it got picked up by ESPN! There are some heart-of-gold people in that movie, and it has a sense of humor. It's about a World Cup for the homeless and impoverished. Through soccer, they gain self-confidence and a sense of solidarity with their fellow human beings. Many have gotten their lives on track ("kicking the habit") because of it. We also met one of the coaches before the movie! He seemed somewhat surly at first probably because we beat him by narrow margins to the waitlist line, but he warmed to us later.
Incendiary the movie was okay, but the acting was amazing. Unfortunately, uncharacteristic of how things usually go the large Eccles Theater, none of the actors were there! Ewan McGregor did however send a video clip of himself talking about the movie.
Here are some more celeb pics. :)
Quentin Tarantino

Scott Wolf
Dennis Quaid

Bill Rancic