Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Snow Bunny Returns

The frequency of my skiing was greatly reduced when I decided to live in the great non-mountains of Michigan. I went twice to the Boyne Mountain area, and it was all right. I've also been to the holes and mini-hills like Alpine Valley, not to be confused with Alpine Meadows, Lake Tahoe. Anyhow, it became sort of a once-a-year ski event, and I even stopped bringing my skis to MI. But now being back on the west coast, I've already made multiple day trips to Lake Tahoe and visited the great resorts of Utah. Utah! (That's what it looks like on the license plate.) See if you can tell where's where.





A. Sugar Bowl, Lake Tahoe, CA
B. Alpine Meadows, Lake Tahoe, CA
C. Deer Valley, Park City, UT
D. Snowbird, Little Cottonwood Canyon, UT

Note the new goggles in D. 50% off! Also, B occurred right after the big wave surf contest Mavericks. D is substantially more snowy than A-C, and can be declared thus far, the best day of skiing of my life.

Arm-shots show even less when your head is enlarged by a helmet. :P

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