There's nothing more disappointing than a failed joke. Especially ones that you yourself laugh whole-heartedly at.
We are working on a pitch for business related to asthma. I asked the group, what if we put this in our presentation?
We are working on a pitch for business related to asthma. I asked the group, what if we put this in our presentation?
Sucks to your asthma?
Me: Asthma-R. You know, it's from Lord of the Flies.
Huh, I don't remember that quote.
*sigh* :(
OMG, they asked me to present the joke slide, which is usually just SHOWN, and then I had to explain it AGAIN!!
I gave this presentation in law school and there was a case called Red Lion and I found this crazy pic of a red lion puppet and put it in there. It was so crazy that I laughed until I cried. And I worried about putting it in the powerpoint, bc could I keep from laughing? But I did, and during the presentation NO ONE laughed. Except for Tram. And the prof. Hmph. Stupid ppl with no sense of humor.
I hope that one of you eventually has either a product or a case with the word "Zonkey" involved.
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