I have been meaning to rate this episode for awhile. Oh man did it give me goosebumps. This episode put together all the elements of why this show is soooo good. I admit, I'm a sucker for motivational sports movies, but this is more. The characters on this show have hearts of gold, hearts of GOLD! Everything about Coach and Mrs. Coach (as Matt Saracen endearingly calls now principal Tami Taylor) is all that you would hope a married couple would be. Thank goodness FNL has not tried to tarnish their everlasting and supportive relationship with thoughts of infidelity.
This show is honest, heartfelt, innocent, and inspirational. The first season was so good it made me watch show after show, uninterrupted, for a solid week. Second season fell off a bit, but this episode in particular, pulls everything this show stands for back together, and the result, well, evokes goosebumps and palm-pressed-to-chest motions.
In this episode titled "Hello Goodbye," Tami Taylor goes through her own strife, battling against the boosters and their dream for a jumbotron for the football field, but she pauses to listen and support her husband, the beloved Coach Eric Taylor. Coach Taylor is struggling with the decision to bench Matt Saracen, the QB who rose to the occasion when QB1 Jason Street became paralyzed (season 1). A rising star freshman is now poised to take the team to another level -- a better arm than Jason Street, destined for greatness.
Coach struggles: "The fact of the matter is that it's my responsibility to that kid to make sure that he's not pushed too fast and that he's prepared."
Tami responds: "You're making the decision with such a conscience... I think it's because you're a teacher first, and I know you're going to say it's corny, but you are a molder of men. And I find that admirable, and I think it's sexy."
Coach: "Tell you what, I'm going to have to ruminate on that a little longer since you find that so damn sexy."
I LOVE Mr. and Mrs. Coach!!!

In another moving scene, Coach Taylor takes Brian "Smash" Williams to a walk-on tryout at Texas A&M. Coach and Smash are waiting on the sidelines and are told that the Texas A&M coach wants to reschedule. Coach Taylor interrupts the ongoing practice to lay everything out on the line, including his own reputation, to get Smash a chance to play that day.
Coach Taylor: "This kid right here can flat out play... Let me tell you something else, he's got more heart and guts than any kid I've ever coached. You know what I'm talking about."
A&M Coach: "Let me ask you something, Coach, if someone pulled a stunt like this while you were over at TMU, what would Coach Wood have done?
Coach Taylor: "He would've said, 'There's a guy with balls and the courage of his convictions.' And then he would look at me in the eyes and say get the hell off my field."
Coach Taylor then takes Smash aside to say:
"You listen to me. You listen to me closer than you have ever listened to me before. You remember that Rutlidge game... You came into that game, you took over that game, play by play, you owned that game. I watched you that day, and I said to myself that kid is going to go all the way. Right now, right here, God has placed you to do what you do best. Go all the way."
Smash delivers.
*melt* I melt!! The heart of this man, the molder of men.
Rating: 3.8/4 stars
I have not watched! I cannot read!
Ok, so more than a year later (5/19/10), I have finally watched this episode and I must say, I love love LOVE Coach and Mrs. Coach!
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