Thursday, May 28, 2009

Plane Movies

I watch a lot of movies on the plane, so I end up watching a lot more variety that I normally would. Examples include The Day the Earth Stood Still, Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (1), and High School Musical (I?). Some of these I cannot even finish (Earth, HS Musical) and some I will finish but I want to throw up (Sisterhood).

1. The Day the Earth Stood Still
I saw The Day the Earth Stood Still most recently. Apparently, it is a remake, which means that the first version was probably pretty good. I have no idea, because now the whole story is marred by this modern version. Keanu Reeves is the normal stoic, robotic, awful actor that he is. Jennifer Connelly is fine, but I don't understand why she chose to do this movie. It's a sci-fi film that mixes in religion, ala Contact, but not nearly as good. It maps the whole analogy out for you, but it is just SO UNBELIEVABLE. I found the message and feel of the movie to be entirely mismatched.

1.5/4 stars

2. Twilight
International flights seem to have better movies. Examples include Zodiac, and more recently, Twilight. One might say that I only like this movie because I absolutely loved Robert Pattinson as Edward Cullin. This is only *partially* due to his hotness, but it is also due to how so very well he plays the role. Ooh, those vampire stares. This movie was shot beautifully -- you could feel the atmosphere of Washington and the eeriness in the air.

Kristen Stewart is the only complaint I have. While she was very good at portraying the mystic Bella and only unreadable girl to Edward, I could not understand why she loved Edward. ?? I'm told that it's not that well explained in the book either (nope, haven't read it), but the turn from fascination to love was too abrupt and unconvincing.

Other than that, I loved how they went surfing in cold cold water. (Nocal!!)

3/4 stars

1 comment:

alo514 said...

Vampires look hot in Ray-bans.