Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sweet, salty, scrumptious weekend

The sis plus friends came to visit! It was a food tour, and somewhere in there, we crammed in Billy Elliot and The Met.

Miss Mamie's Spoonbread 2


My first time, and I have to give it a thumbs up! So many flavors!

The Shakeshack
In 'n Out is still on top!

Magnolia Bakery
Still really good, unlike Buttercup, which has just fallen from grace.


Max Brenner's

Breakfast of Champions
Consists of a collection of Magnolia, Junior's, and Lady M's.
Then I sent them off with Levain cookies in tow!

1 comment:

alo514 said...

SCRUMPTIOUS weekend. To be continued in December! List already in progress!