Thursday, October 25, 2007

Can't wait to be an old woman


Because I have seen the following things in daily life, and it has been okay because this person was old. Hence, when I am old, I can do all the following crazy things and nobody will think anything of it.

1. Can wear crazy hot pink blush.
2. Can wear pants with giant hole in crotch (underwear present of course).
3. Can be an old Italian lady out for a nice buffet lunch by oneself and ask next young person in line to fill entire plate full of selected foods after selected foods.
4. Okay, this one isn't crazy, but I'm really looking forward to it. Walking around during the daytime with fellow old ladies in knee-length skirts and sensible shoes. (Observed in Italy and Spain.)
5. Can wear crazy clothes from my young days. See crazy tango lady in fishnet stockings.

Will add to list as things come up.

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