Wednesday, November 16, 2011

baby gus

I've never thought about getting a bulldog.  They're as tall as they are wide.  Square.  See?

Recently a puppy bulldog got adopted by a couple in our building, and I CANNOT GET ENOUGH OF HIM.  LITTLE GUS!  GUSTER!  Puppy bulldogs are the cutest, daresay rivaling (but not quite) the golden retriever puppy.  Oprah said that there's nothing cuter than a golden retriever puppy, and you know, Oprah is always right.  But look at how cute these guys are!  

Gus looks like the first puppy.  He is really friendly but a super slow mover.  He just wobbles.  One day, he's going to grow up to be a 50 lb muscle.

I ran into him and his owners on the way out for a walk this week, and I stooped down to give Gus a rub down.  I continued on my way, but guess who came after me?  Gus!  Came after ME instead of his owners.  ME!  Doesn't that just warm the heart.  (I'm not delusional - I know he'll go after anybody who gives him a hearty hello!)

I see his owners more often in a week now than I have in the past 1.5 years of living in this building.  They're getting out more and getting a lot of attention.  I bet they're making lots of new friends because of Gus.  Certainly they're making a friend in me!  I finally found out what their names are this past week.

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