Tuesday, September 04, 2012

my liz lemon side

Like Liz Lemon, I don't much stand for unfairness.  Take the pilot episode for example.

Liz:    Hello? excuse me? there's a line, buddy.
Guy:  There's two lines.
Liz:    No, no there's one line. We're in it.
Guy:  I'm just getting a hot dog.
Liz:    We’re all getting hot dogs! What, do you think there's two lines and we're all in this line and you're the only genius that got in the other line? You believe this guy? ... Don't line up behind him, he cheated you.
Guy:  Hey shut up!
Liz:    Now I want all the hot dogs please! yeah, I'm buying all the hot dogs.
Guy:  You don't have to do that. No, no, no, You don't have to do that.
Lady: That is ridiculous.
Liz:    And I’m giving them to the good people.
Lady: I'm starving.

Liz Lemon is supposed to sound ridiculous, but having stood in line for hours at Sundance, Broadway shows, and student tickets, I couldn't agree more with her!

It takes more energy to fight the injustices, but I just have the need to make my voice heard and bring the injustices to the attention of the people responsible.

I'm not sure if it's because we were shopping at Costco, but we recently purchased defective products from Ziploc and Gillette.  Both were a packaging issue, and you can imagine how that just makes a Ziploc bag pointless.  I complained (it's so easy now - you just have to send an email vs calling customer service or writing letters as I have done in the past), and have been sent several free vouchers for said products as compensation.  Victory!

But it really isn't about getting free stuff, although that DOES help.  It's really about letting people know it's not okay in hopes that something will change in the future.  It makes me feel good to not let people get away with things, ie not to be cheated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

By the way, I did this MAJORLY at an airport security checkpoint. There was a massive line that split into two security scan things at the gate--obviously the line was meant to split when you reach the front of the line, but some DB comes by and tried to cut by "innocently" saying "oh is there one line or two? hm one line or two?" and i very loudly said "It's one line." "it's very obviously one line"! "The line goes from back there!!" Being Singapore, everyone else was passively just watching him with annoyance hidden behind their eyes so I ended up being the loud, obnoxious American. hmph!