Monday, February 25, 2013


Congrats A & W!  What a gorgeous bride!   

Friday, February 15, 2013

happy donut day!

Phi-style may have started a trend - Donut Day.

Since Valentine's Day is a made-up holiday, why not invent a tradition of our own?  And there's no better food group than doughnuts to do it with.

So when Dunkin' Donuts started making these heart-shaped donuts, I got excited.  Last year, we weren't going to do much for V-day except for stay home and make dinner (not unlike every weeknight, but we were gonna make it spatial), but I thought I'd add a little festivity by stopping by Dunkin' on my way back from work to pick up these deliciously looking fun shapes.  But to my dismay, they were OUT.  OUT!  Since then, I've wanted nothing more, so I asked P for heart-shaped donuts this year.

Perfectly shaped hearts filled with nothing but love and goodness.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

sweet and savory

I discovered some photos on my memory card that I had meant to post last year!

Over the holidays I wanted to make some sweets for my friends and coworkers but didn't want to spend a whole lot of time baking.  So I went with simple and quick recipes - peanut butter brittle and peppermint bark.

Embossed cards and pretty packaging makes everything look extra special.

This Superbowl Sunday (booo, next time Niners! :( ) compelled me to make this chili that I haven't made in about 4 years.  I finally felt ready again.  It's sooo time-consuming, but so gooood.

2 hours prep time, 3 hours cooking and stirring every 5 min, 3 types of fresh chili peppers, espresso, chocolate, and beer?  All these unusual ingredients come together to make a chili with a harmonious taste and lots of layers of flavor.

Thanks for the recipe, Joey!