Wednesday, June 26, 2013

goin', goin', back, back, to cali, cali

The time has come!  It's been 11 years since I moved away, and I'm excited, nervous, sad, and happy to be leaving NYC and going back home.  The Bay Area will always be home to me though - I've never felt that I've quite fit in to the places I've moved to, Ann Arbor and NYC, though they've given me great friends, wonderful memories, and invaluable, different perspectives on life.  Parting is such sweet sorrow, but I'm looking forward to the future.

The movers came last Saturday, and our things are being trucked over to the Bay Area right now!  Meanwhile, we are sitting on lawn chairs and eating from paper plates and plastic utensils.  And eating all the bagels and Levain cookies that we can.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Subway Experiment: 1-week Results

Since I started to show, I took notice of whether or not New Yorkers are actually good at giving up their seats for pregnant women.  I started to get a terrible impression, estimating in my head that about 60% of the time, people would not give up their seat for me.  Then it increased to 70% after more time passed.  Once, I and another pregnant woman got on, and neither of us were offered a seat.  I was appalled.  It's not that I need one all the time, but it's the right thing to do.  So I decided I should do this scientifically and start taking down data.  Here are the results for the past week.

Note that I don't count the times when the train is just way too crowded for anybody to take notice ("impossible").  I combined this with the "unnecessary" category, which is when there are enough available seats for me to just take one should I want one.

Of the times when there is an opportunity to give up a seat, New Yorkers have offered 17% of the time.  So 83% of the time, they do nothing but stare into their mobile devices or ignore me.  I fault people for being oblivious, so being engrossed in your book or iPhone is no excuse.

Of the one instance when someone offered me a seat, it was a woman.  From my observations before my experiment started, I estimated that 95% of the time, it was women who offered a seat.  Only 2 men have ever offered me a seat.  Shame on you, d-bag New York men.

I'm going to run this experiment through the month, so stay tuned!

Saturday, June 01, 2013